Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Acai Berries and Diets

Hey friends :)

So I was browsing today looking for some blog-worthy news stories, and I ran across a local article, which I've included below!  This woman followed an acai berry diet and it worked really well for her! 
Fulton News Story

I want to know what your thoughts are on diets, because I have my own opinions.  It seems to me that everyone I hear about going on a diet- no matter what it is, pills, calorie counting, no-carbs- I feel like they gain the "dramatic weight loss" back within a matter of months or even weeks of stopping the diet- or even just not following as strictly as they began.  I don't know, I think the goal of diets is to change the way we eat, ultimately.  I have never been a fan of organized diets, and I'd rather eat healthy food and be active than count my calorie intake, cut out carbs, or take a pill to enhance hormones or some nonsense.  I think people get on diets because they feel like they cannot commit themselves without something structured- but I wonder if anything could be said to compare the type of people who get on organized diets and how well they do once they stop them.  Speaking of that, can we really "stop" dieting?  Or, at this point, has it become a way of life.  So many questions I ponder!  Let me know your thoughts??

Keep saving pennies :)

Also, update!: I am trying the vegetarian scene, any tips on how to succeed?? I only eat meat when I eat fast food, really, but I am trying to do it all across the board!
AND: I have officially begun my own person 2-a-days.. that is, running twice a day whenever possible.  I run at least a mile in the morning and again around 5pm... keeps my body moving and my metabolism running!!  Between runs, I'm sipping lots of H2O and coffee in the mornings :)

Hopefully I can inspire YOU!

Peace and Savings-

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