Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tips for Speeding Up Your Metabolism

Welcome back :) I hope you all had a lovely weekend and learned a little- or at least paid closer attention to your habits this go around- I know I did!! I didn't have any drunken fast food- and I saved my money by buying cheaper mixers and better food earlier in the week- trying to keep that going.

I'd like to talk about something today that a lot of people tend to forget about- which can help SO MUCH.
Help with what, you ask?  STAYING SKINNY.  And that, my friends... is metabolism.
This vital little piece of our diet is so important and is also so overlooked.  So many habits and foods alike can raise or lower our metabolism- and we might not even know!

For starters, stay hydrated.  Water does more for our bodies than you think it does.  Without being fully hydrated, we can't metabolize our food to its fullest potential.  Don't drink sugary drinks to get water, just go for straight up H2O.. and you can't go wrong.  Drink a glass before a meal, and not only will you eat less, but you will start metabolizing sooner!!
Next, get exercise.. this may be an obvious one, but do you know why?? Muscle burns calories faster than fat, so increase your muscle mass, and increase your metabolism!  They suggest exercising before eating, so it burns off faster! (definitely changing my routine)

Increase your FIBER and PROTEIN intake.. they are difficult for our bodies to digest, meaning that it works harder to burn it off (aka a higher rate of metabolism).  Some foods that are rich in protein are turkey, chicken, fish and egg whites.  As far as fiber goes, stick to spinach, broccoli, oatmeal and nuts.

5 THINGS TO NEVER EAT.. if possible:
1. Orange Juice
2. Artificial sweeteners
3. Whole Wheat bread
4. Butter
5. SoyMilk

Just a little something to think about next time you go to the store.  Check out labels! Do a little research and then go!  

Check out the link where I got this info for a few more details!!
5 Foods to Never Eat (if you want to lose weight)

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